Saturday, June 12, 2010

Install Spring IDE for Eclipse 3.4

Installing Spring IDE on Eclipse 3.4 (RC1) was not quite as straight forward as I thought it would have been, so here are a few more details on how to do it.
  1. Help->Software Update
  2. Click Available Software tab
  3. Click Add Site
  4. Enter
  5. Click checkbox next to to expand.
  6. Click checkbox to uncheck, then click again to check parent and children [Eclipse bug 232112].
  7. Click Install
  8. Software validity warning message will come up - click Yes
  9. Resolving dependencies will moan with:
    (Spring IDE Bean Support (required),Spring IDE Dependencies (only for Eclipse 3.2.x),Spring IDE OSGi Extension (optional),Spring IDE Web Flow Extension (optional),Spring IDE Security Extension (optional),Spring IDE AOP Extension (optional),Spring IDE JavaConfig Extension (optional),Spring IDE Autowire Extension (optional),Spring IDE Mylyn Integration,Spring IDE AJDT Integration (optional),Spring IDE Security Extension Developer Resources,Spring IDE Autowire Extension Developer Resources,Spring IDE AOP Developer Resources,Spring IDE OSGi Extension Developer Resources,Spring IDE Webflow Developer Resources,Spring IDE Mylyn Integration Sources,Spring IDE JavaConfig Developer Resources,Spring IDE Sources,Spring IDE AOP Developer Resources) will be ignored.
  10. Uncheck Spring IDE Dependencies (only for Eclipse 3.2.x)
  11. Screen will re-calculate successfully and the Finish button will appear, click it